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Friday, 2 September 2011

Libya interim leaders vow tolerance and respect for law

Libya's new interim leaders have assured world leaders they will build a society full of tolerance and respect for the rule of law.

Speaking at a Paris meeting, National Transitional Council (NTC) head Mustafa Abdel Jalil promised a new constitution and elections within 18 months.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who chaired the meeting, stressed the need for "reconciliation and forgiveness".

He said air strikes would go on as long as ex-leader Col Gaddafi was a threat.

Mr Sarkozy said all 63 nations at the meeting were committed to returning frozen assets to the Libyan people.

Closed-door talks were continuing on Friday between representatives of those nations and Libya's interim authorities to determine how to spend $15bn (£9.25bn) of unfrozen funds.

The focus would be on basic needs, such as medicine, food and water supplies, as well as ensuring security during the transition period before democratic elections, organisers said, with more details expected later.

Col Gaddafi has still not been captured by the interim authorities.

In an audio message broadcast on a loyalist TV channel on Thursday, he vowed he would never surrender.

He was speaking on the 42nd anniversary of his emergence as Libya's leader, which until last year was an occasion for annual celebrations in the country.

This year there were flag-waving celebrations in Tripoli's main square to mark the date - only the flags were the black, green and red colours of the NTC rather than the all-green of the Gaddafi regime, and the square is now known as Martyrs' Square, rather than the Green Square.